Thursday, April 30, 2015

Goodbye Until Tomorrow

I feel that I never adequately gave you guys closure about my exchange year.  I was going through a lot of different tough times, and ultimately, decided that being with my family and friends back home was the best decision for me.  I apologize for those of you who felt that I just left you guys out of what was going on.

Between changing host families and difficulties at school, I did not feel comfortable disclosing that to the whole internet, so I decided it would be best to stop blogging when I left Belgium in February.

Now, here I am, finishing up my freshman year of college over a year later, and reflecting on how integral my time in Belgium was for me.  Although I did not have the BEST YEAR EVER, I learned so much about myself and made friends that I would do anything for.  Not only that, but I've still been in contact with my host family--they have continuously showered me with love even after leaving.

Belgium is a part of me.  The good, the bad, the ugly---it has shaped me and given me a deep appreciation for who I am today and what I have become.

To those who are currently on exchange, I know the year is almost done for you.  Enjoy every moment.  Spend it in the company of the ones you love most.  You will never forget the impact that your exchange year has on your life.  And no matter what your experience was like, you did something most people will never do.  You left the comfort of your home, and choose to be uncomfortable.  Instead of staying with your high school friends, you broadened your horizons and now have friends from around the world.  Cherish the blessing that this year is for you.

And for those who haven't gone on exchange, I urge you to spend some portion of your life in a new environment.  Whether that be abroad or literally the town over from where you grew up, being uncomfortable is a great way to grow.  You will learn so much about yourself and others when you surround yourself with new people who all have different stories.

Thank you all for avidly reading my blog.  I wish you the best.

In the meantime, enjoy the last song of the installment.  I am a fan of musical theater song, and this song came to mind when I think of leaving.  Yes, it's referring romance, but aren't all songs these days?  I'm not sure how many of you dig musical theater, but you can expand your horizons...

So Goodbye. Until Tomorrow. :)
