Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"You're gonna miss me when I'm gone"

Today, is my official goodbye "party" before I go to Belgium.  I initially didn't want to make a big deal and have a party but my mom really wanted to make Belgian waffles, haha. So alas, I agreed (although Belgian waffles can't hurt, right?), and decided it would be a casual "get together" to say goodbye to all of my friends, not just to me.  Somehow a small group of friends grew into 15 people, but I wanted to make sure that I could say goodbye to the people who mean the most to me.

Almost all of my friends leave for college this week, and then next Wednesday is the big day! I leave the airport Wednesday morning and fly to New York. My dad adamantly wanted to drive to New York, but I convinced him that it would be much cheaper for me to fly solo. I found a ticket that was only $115, and then he came over to the dark side, mwahahaha! The flight to New York is only an hour or so, compared to driving which would be an eight hour fun filled car ride.

Most of the American exchange students who are going to Europe are flying out from New York (I think), and we are told to arrive at the airport between 12 and 4pm.  After that there is an overnight orientation at a nearby hotel, and then the next night everyone's international flights will leave. After arriving in Brussels, there will be a two day orientation with all the AFSers from all over the world who will be leaving in french-speaking Belgium. After that our host parents come to pick us up, and that starts the beginning of this awesome journey that lies ahead.

I try to be very realistic with my expectations for Belgium.  I like to think of myself as a realist rather than a pessimist, but basically, I have mentally prepared for the first few months of my exchange to be very challenging. I managed to get through AP French, but I am definitely no where close to being a fluent french speaker. The language itself is enough of a challenge, but mix in a new culture, new people, and a new life, and I can definitely say I'm in for a ride! I am so ready for a change in my life, and I'm so excited for the newness of it all as well. Keeping an open mind about everything is going to be a priority of mine over this next year

I am including so many specific details for those of you future exchangers out there :) I know what it is like to scour every blog on the internet to try to find out as much as possible about what exchange is like. I hope that people who are reading my blog can at least learn a little about Belgium and what being an exchange student is like.

Just because this song has been on the radio so much lately--and because I find it to be relevant to my situation--I'd like to post the song "Cups" by Anna Kendrick. And even though I'm usually not into "mainstream" music, I like her voice a lot.

Au revoir,



  1. Hey there!
    I'm so looking forward to your evolution in my country. I went to Japan for a gap year so I kind of can relate to the problems you might encounter.
    Why Belgium though? I mean, I love my country but every time an exchangie says they're going there, I'm surprised.
    Do you know where you're going to live? Just curious, though I'm leaving for college in Glasgow.
    Anyways, have fun here!


  2. I chose Belgium primarily because it was the only gap year program where I could guarantee that I'd be speaking French. France does not have a gap year program, and I was in between Belgium and Switzerland, but ultimately chose Belgium because the french-speaking and flemish-speaking programs are separate. Besides the language, Belgium seemed to be a cultural center due to Brussels being the NATO headquarters as well as its rather central location in Europe :)

    I hope that you have a great time in Scotland!!
