Sunday, September 15, 2013

Girls and Boys In School

I've officially had my first week of school, so I'll just give an update of how's it's going and also how my Belgian school is different than American school.

Monday I had to go to school at 10am to get my schedule made, and I discovered that there are actually 6 other exchange students from Rotary at my school. We all had to go in one by one to choose our schedules, which took a while. We actually didn't get them until like 2:30pm, so I only went to one class on my first day (which happened to be a spanish class).

For choosing a schedule, you basically choose a track that you want to do. For example, people can choose a language track where they have 3 or 4 foreign languages they take and less math, science, and history, etc. Other tracks are the opposite with lots of math and science and less languages. I chose the social science track because it is rather generic, and I think social science is supposed to be kind of like psychology? I have 4 hours of social science, 5 hours of french, 4 hours of English, 2 hours of history, 4 hours of math, 3 hours of science (biology, physics, and chemistry), 2 hours morale, 3 hours of gym, 2 hours of computer class, and 1 hour geography per week. Instead of having the same classes every day like I did in the US, here I have different classes every day, and the classes are in different rooms each day too. For example, I could have English in room C204 on Monday, and then on Wednesday have English in room A101. (just a random example). I don't think I'll ever be able to memorize my schedule though because of all the room numbers and we have about 8 classes per day except Wednesday. In Belgium, school ends around noon or one for everyone--which is absolutely wonderful! It breaks up the week nicely, and then you can go to the city and hang out with friends in the afternoon.

Actually, it's really nice for me because I also have a half day on Mondays too because all afternoon the other kids in my class have spanish. The spanish class is way too advanced for me (because I know ZERO spanish) so I essentially have a study hall or on Mondays, I get to go home :) It's really nice though because during "etude" (study hall) you can really do whatever you want, and there is no teacher who monitors what the students are doing. A Rotary exchange student at my school--her name is Lammiya--and I conveniently have a lot of the breaks together, so we usually talk or do whatever. She's really cool, and from India (!!) and it's comforting to have another exchange student to talk to.

Socially at school, I haven't really made friends yet, but I've only had four days so far so I'm trying not to worry. A lot of the people in my class introduced themselves to me on my first day during a break we had because our chemistry teacher didn't show up. It's actually so nice because if teachers are sick, they don't have substitutes--there just isn't class! It's difficult to really start making friends because everyone has been in the same class together for quite a few years. They already have their own cliques and groups, and I feel a bit like an outsider at the moment. Even if I try to talk to people, it's too hard for me to really follow what people are saying when they are in a group. Though, there are a few girls in my class who I think I'll ask to eat lunch with on Monday because I really want to start becoming a part of a group and making friends other than the other exchange students. It's particularly difficult because I don't want people to view me as a burden by having to explain stuff to me, or what not, but oh well. Unlike a lot of the exchange students who have previously gone to my school here, I know some french which the other students were surprised by. They actually always tell me how good I am at french, but I know they are just being nice, haha. Overall though, school is school. It's not more fun here at school or anything, but I definitely have to try very hard just to get the gist of what the teacher is saying. Alas, I am always pretty tired when I get home.

I had chorale practice again on Friday, and I really enjoy it. The director is so expressive, and we sing pretty modern English songs, so it's not too hard for me, haha. Everyone in the chorale has been so nice to me, and they were all saying that I was "amazing", lol. We are singing at a wedding next Saturday, and it is absolutely adorable because the groom is singing one of the verses of the songs we are singing. We are going to sing "Hallelujah" and "Feeling Good", and he sings one of the verses of "Feeling Good" by himself, and it's so romantic, I must say. I got to sight read a lot of the music that the chorale sang last year too, which was pretty cool. I went to my first orchestra practice afterward, which was a bit interesting..There are probably 15-20 people in the whole band, which is quite unusual for me, because the marching band at my school is over 150 people. We'll see though...I'm gonna give it a chance.

On weekends, my host parents usually go to visit their relatives in a town about 45 minutes away. Veronica---an AFSer also from the US---lives really close to their relatives, so I actually went to hang out at her house for a bit on Saturday. Making friends with other exchange students comes so easily because they all share similar experiences that people back home do not quite understand. She is the one person here so far I have been able to really share my feelings with and be totally myself around.  Everytime we get a chance to hang out, it is just awesome, and makes my day so much better :)

Today, we didn't have much planned, so I was kind of relaxing and on my computer, and then I heard a loud noise. I thought that my host mom had just accidently dropped something, but then like 5 seconds later, she yelled my name, and I ran down the stairs to see what happened. She had apparently tripped while going down the stairs and hurt her ankle really badly. My host dad was outside, so I went out and grabbed him, and they got ready to go to the hospital. I stayed back with my little host brother (who was taking a nap at the time ), and my host mom called her sister to come over and just stay with us and what not. Fortunately, my host mom's ankle is not broken, but I think it is just a really bad sprain, and she is actually staying overnight at the hospital tonight. She will have crutches and a cast though, so I'm not really sure what's gonna happen though. Today was really crazy due to that, and I hope that my host mom can heal quickly from the fall.

I feel like my blog titles and songs are so cliche, but oh well. Here's some Neon Trees..


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