Sunday, September 22, 2013

Take a Walk

It was finally a bit warmer this weekend, and not rainy (!), so I seized the opportunity to explore and walk around. As I've already mentioned in my past posts, I enjoy walking because not only is it good exercise, but it a perfect way for me to clear my mind. I finally found a path that is much more relaxing with much more to see.

Instead of writing about the things I see, here is a wide array of photos for you guys.

 The view of my street from my house

 This house had music notes on the outside...pretty impressive

 A fat Belgian cat I encountered...because I swear, the cats are everywhere!

 My attempt at taking an artsy photo...

 The beginning of the pathway I walk on

 It was warm enough for me to wear shorts?!?

I love the juxtaposition of the cows with the graffiti in the background

 Mr.cow was staring into my soul

 Yes, I really was that close...I could've touched him if I wanted to

 Boncelles--the small town next to mine

 More Belgian graffiti

 It is normal for dogs to poop in the middle of the sidewalk..I had to take a picture for proof

 A butterfly landed on the flower just as I was taking the picture :)

 The path in the woods I found

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."       


 My new favorite place to go..a box in the middle of the woods

 More attempted artsy photos...

 Me just chilling casually in the box

 I mistakenly took this picture, and it ended up so cool and creepy..I love it

 Am I Thoreau yet? I sat in the woods and wrote for about 40 minutes in my journal. I think yes.

 It's a goat..pretty legit.

 A donkey?!

As you can see from these pictures, I get to see a lot on the walks I take. Here is the song for today, entitled "Take a Walk" by Passion Pit. Enjoy.

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