Friday, September 6, 2013


You know how Thoreau lived in the woods in solitude and wrote "Walden" to find himself? And how the monks view long periods of solitude as spiritual enlightenment? Not that my situation exactly mirrors those, but today I talked to people my age (GASP!) and I felt like I finally reached humanity again. HALLELUJAH!! This week has been pretty boring for me because I don't have school yet, and I don't have friends either...I'm not socially awkward or anything, it's just I haven't had a chance to meet anyone yet. So my life has consisted of getting happy when we go to the grocery store or picking up my brother from school because being in public=humanity=happiness...well, kinda.

I've never really though of myself as an extrovert, nor do I now, but I've realized through my self-reflection (in my house, rather than in the woods, unfortunately) that I like to be around people. At least to a certain extent...If you were to invite me to a huge party with loud music and a ton of people or a small get-together with friends, I would undoubtedly prefer the latter. Though, I have no problem spending time alone either. I enjoy reading, writing, listening to music or whatever, but there comes a certain point when you just want to talk to people.

Today, I finally met some people close to my age because I went to my first choir rehearsal today...I actually am always surprised to see how much french I actually can understand. It wasn't that difficult for me to understand what the teacher was saying, and that makes me think---or at least hope---that school will be like that. Unfortunately, I think the chorale is spoiling me a bit because they sing mostly english songs, and music is essentially a universal language. No matter where I am, I can always read the notes and create something beautiful with others even if we can't communicate verbally.

It was pretty hilarious, because the teacher said she was a bit embarrassed to speak in english in front of me because she knows that she is not that good at it, haha. She actually would say the phrase in English, and have me say it afterword, correcting anything she pronounced incorrectly. People got a lot of laughs out of it, especially the word "kitchen" for some reason. They also starting saying it the "American" way, and it was pretty humorous. Some of the people in the choir go to my high  school here, so that's always nice :) Actually, my school here has 1,300 people, which is bigger than my high school in America, which is surprising. I know I'm gonna be in the 6th year here (equivalent of senior year) but instead of having each subject with different people, you are with the same class of 20 or so people all day.

Anyhow, our chorale sang "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen today...Here is a video for you guys

Also, this is a video of my chorale when they were on France's Talent Competition, hehe

A tantôt


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